I must say, the PINK SHEETS SCGS put together for us were great, I never left the convention center without one. The Pink Sheets were the key to information about Jamboree. It had the daily schedules for presentations and other activities. They were the "must have" document throughout the weekend. Thank you SCGS for making the process of finding the classes easy.
My first session of the day started at 7:30 a.m. (what was I thinking!!) Since I'm a lax quilter, I attended the "Quilts - The Fabric of Family History" class. The quilts were wonderful and the speaker, Don Beld was delightful. He had a regular trunk show. It took me back to when I use to belong to my local quilting guild, and breakfast was included.
The other sessions I chose:
RootsMagic: FamilySearch Made Easy
Sidestep Genealogy
Many Records Lead to Grandma - No Source Stands Alone
I met new friends, learned so much, had FUN and shopped until I dropped. What a great way to spend a three day weekend. I LOVE Jamboree!
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