Sunday, June 12, 2011

2011 SCGS Jamboree - Day 3

Today was the last day of Jamboree until next year.  I hit the Exhibit Hall HARD.  I shopped, renewed a yearly subscription and shopped some more.  Oh so many goodies to look, feel and try-out.  My credit card got a full workout and my Jamboree bag became a shopping bag.  Couldn't wait to get home and start using everything.

I must say, the PINK SHEETS SCGS put together for us were great, I never left the convention center without one.  The Pink Sheets were the key to information about Jamboree.  It had the daily schedules for presentations and other activities.  They were the "must have" document throughout the weekend.  Thank you SCGS for making the process of finding the classes easy.

My first session of the day started at 7:30 a.m. (what was I thinking!!)  Since I'm a lax quilter, I attended the "Quilts - The Fabric of Family History" class.  The quilts were wonderful and the speaker, Don Beld was delightful.  He had a regular trunk show.  It took me back to when I use to belong to my local quilting guild, and breakfast was included.

The other sessions I chose:
RootsMagic: FamilySearch Made Easy
Sidestep Genealogy
Many Records Lead to Grandma - No Source Stands Alone

I met new friends, learned so much, had FUN and shopped until I dropped.  What a great way to spend a three day weekend.  I LOVE Jamboree!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

2011 SCGS Jamboree - Day 2

Another fun filled day here in Burbank.  The sun never did come out today, but I don't care.  I've been in session after session.  I've been meeting so many new friends.  I even had lunch with a complete stranger from Orange County.  It's so much more fun when you can share the experience.

Here's the list of classes I attended today:
Saturday breakfast: Genealogical Jeopardy!
Blogger Summit Part I
Tech Zone:
Blogger Summit Part II
RootsMagic: Sharing and Publishing Your Family Tree
Organize for Efficiency
Saturday night banquet speaker Curt B. Witcher: The High Tech and High Touch of 21st Century

I look forward to tomorrow's classes and my final spin around the Exhibit Hall and hope to have a shopping bag with me as I walk to my car at the end of the day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

2011 SCGS Jamboree - Day 1

Once again I'm attending the annual Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree held in beautiful Burbank, California.  The weather is wonderful, not too hot or cold.  We're experiencing our "June Gloom."  I drove in very early this morning so I could get a parking spot in the hotel/conference lot, and I think I got the last one. 

This morning I attended with a friend from my local society several FREE sessions.  This first was presented by George Morgan of "The Genealogy Guys" podcast.  His lecture was "The Shape of the 21st Century Genealogical Society." WeI'll be taking his information back to our society.

The 2nd session was by Cath Madden Trindle titled "But, it's My Family" about copyright laws.  I never understood anything about copyright laws so her talk was very informative.

The 3rd session was by Jana Sloan Broglin "Program, Program, Git Yer Program!  Home runs for your society."  I took away so much helpful information from her that I'm revamping how I send our society's press releases out.

Tonight was the Banquet held in the convention center.  Tony Burroughs talk tonight was "You'z Ain't from 'Round Here, Is Ya?" was hilarious.  He's an excellent speaker.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and checking out the vendors in the Exhibit Hall and stroll down the (High-Tech) hallway to the Tech Zone and use the new Jamboree App I downloaded to my phone.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jamboree This Weekend!

I got my bag packed, changed my purse to one that has a shoulder strap.  Want my hands free while at SCGS Jamboree.  I've been attending most of SCGS Jamborees' since they were held in Pasadena.  It's one of my favorite conferences each year.  The last few years I've been staying at the hotel next door.  It's been so convenient.

This year I'm meeting one of my local society's Board member.  She's staying at the hotel too, we're planning on taking in some of the same sessions on Friday, the Friday night banquet and similar sessions on Saturday. 

I'm bringing along my netbook and will try and blog during the session breaks.  I hope to meet some of my favorite bloggers I follow.

Hope to see you there!